Choosing a Tech Stack for Your Startup - Part 2: Server Side Choices and Building Your MVP

In part 1 of this series, we covered a detailed overview of how FastBar chose it's client side technology stack, how it evolved over the years, where it is today, and key lessons we learnt along the way.

In this post, part 2, we'll start exploring the server side technology choices and conclude in part 3.

FastBar Components - Server Hilighted.png

Selecting a Stack

The very first prototype version of FastBar that was built at Startup Weekend didn't have much of a server side at all. I think we had a couple of basic API endpoints built in Ruby on Rails and deployed to Heroku.

After Startup Weekend when we became serious about moving FastBar forward, building out the server side became a priority and we needed to select a tech stack.

We discussed various options: Ruby on Rails, Go, Java, PHP, Node.js and ASP.NET. I decided to go with ASP.NET MVC and C# for a few reasons:

  1. Familiarity

  2. Suitability for the job

  3. How the platform was evolving


.NET and C# were the platform and language that I was most familiar with. I spent 7.5 years working at Microsoft, the first 2 of which were in the C# compiler team, the next 5.5 helping customers architect and build large-scale systems on Microsoft technology. Since leaving Microsoft, I spent a lot of time using .NET for a startup, along with some consulting work. For me, .NET technology was going to be the most productive option.

In tech, there is a ton of religion, and often times (perhaps most of the time) people make decisions on technologies based on their particular flavor of religion. They believe that X is faster than Y, or A is better than B for [insert unfounded reason here].  The reality is there are many technology choices, all of which have pros and cons. So long as you're choosing a technology that is mainstream and well suited for the task at hand, you can probably be successful building your system using (almost) whatever technology stack you prefer.

Suitability for the job

It's important to select a tool that's suitable for the job you're trying to achieve. For us, our backed required a website and an API - pretty standard stuff. ASP.NET is a great platform for doing just that. Likewise, there are many other fine choices including Ruby on Rails or Node.js.

How the platform was evolving

Back in 2014, Microsoft technologies were often shunned by developers who were not familiar with .NET, because they felt that Microsoft was the evil empire, all the produced was proprietary tech and closed source code, and nothing good could possibly come from the walled garden that was Redmond. 

The reality was quite different. As early as 2006, Microsoft started a project called Codeplex as a way to share source code, and used it to publish technologies like the AJAX Control Toolkit. In October 2007, Microsoft published the source code for the entire .NET Framework, it wasn't an "open source" project per se, but rather "reference source" - it allowed developers to step into the code and see what was going on under the hood, a primary complaint related to proprietary software or closed source systems. Also in October 2007, Microsoft announced that the upcoming ASP.NET MVC project would be fully open source. In 2008, the rest of the ASP.NET technologies were also open sourced.

That trend continued, with Microsoft open sourcing more and more stuff. Fast forward to April 2014 and Microsoft made a big announcement regarding open source: the creation of the .NET foundation, and the open-sourcing of large chunks of .NET. Later that year, they open sourced even more stuff.

Fast forward again to today, now Microsoft owns Github and has made most, if not all, of .NET open source. It's pretty clear that Microsoft is "all in" on open source. Here's an interesting article on the state of Microsoft and open source as of December 2018. And if you're interested in some more background, Scott Hunter and Beth Massi have some great Medium posts that chronicle some of Microsoft's journey into open source.

Back in 2014, I was a fan .NET technology, I liked the direction it was moving in, and felt that the trend towards open sourcing more stuff would only strengthen the technology and the ecosystem. Looking back, this has proved correct.

Building the Basics

With our tech stack chosen, the first 2 things we needed to build were (a) a basic customer facing website and (b) an API with underlying business logic and data schema to support the POS. In Startup and, this is often called a MVP or Minimum Viable Product.

For the customer facing website, I built a 1-pager ASP.NET website using Bootstrap. It was simple, but looked decent enough and was mobile friendly. It really just needed to serve as a landing page with a brief explanation of FastBar and a "join our email list" form. That site actually lasted way longer than it should have :)

The more important thing we needed was an API that the client apps could talk to: first to push up order details and next to display tabs to attendees so they could keep track of their spending. Although it would have been nice to have an administrative UI so we could view and manage attendees and orders, configure products and menus, view reports etc… there was a lot of effort required to build it, and it wasn't the highest priority thing we needed to implement.

Our First UI: SQL Management Studio and Excel

For a long time, the primary interface we used to setup and manage events was SQL Management Studio. I created an Excel spreadsheet that served as a helper tool to generate SQL statements which would in turn be run in SQL Management Studio. This was definitely a rough and ready approach, and not my preferred path, but hey, as a startup with limited resources, you need to pick your battles.

Reporting was done via a somewhat complicated SQL query that would spit out tabular sales results, which I'd then copy/paste into a fancy Excel spreadsheet I'd created. The results of the copy/paste would drive a "dashboard" tab in the spreadsheet that summarized key metrics, as well as a series of other pages that would show fancy graphs of sales over time and product breakdowns.

This was all rather crude, but like I said, as a startup with limited resources, you need to pick your battles and focus on highest priority tasks first.

You see, our attendees didn’t care about how the system was configured or how reports were generated. They simply wanted to get their wristband, tap to pay for their drinks and get back to enjoying the event.

Our event organizers didn’t much care how the event was configured either, so long as the point of sale displayed the right products at the right prices, customers were charged correctly, money appeared in their bank account and they could get some kind of reporting. We took care of all of the configuration of the system on their behalf, and Excel-based reports were fine for them, in the early days.

Self-hosted vs Cloud

In 2011 some friends of mine left Microsoft to start a company. At the time, Amazon Web Services (AWS) was coming along nicely, and most forward-thinking companies and startups were looking to the cloud.

The CTO for my friend's company, let's call him "Bob" (not his real name) decided that it would be cheaper to buy the hardware himself instead of going with something cloud-based. Bob created spreadsheets that he used to justify his desire to buy server and show how over time it would be cheaper. In reality, Bob was a "build his own metal" kinda guy. Bob wanted to spend money on cool hardware and build his own servers and that's what he was comfortable with, so he found a way to justify it.

Bob spent a couple of hundred thousand dollars on servers. A few years later, all of those servers were sitting in a spare room in their office collecting dust.

Don't be like Bob.

In 2011, it didn’t make sense to buy your own servers. AWS was a great choice. Azure was early, and quite frankly pretty crap at the time. Google's App Engine existed, but I don't think anyone actually used it.

In 2014 when FastBar started, it didn’t make sense to buy your own servers. AWS was cranking along and adding new services at a furious pace, and Azure was busy catching up. Azure had moved from crap a couple of years earlier to a really solid offering by 2014.

Today, it definitely doesn't make sense to buy your own servers. Unless you're Google, or Microsoft, or Amazon, then sure, buy as many servers as you need. But for the rest of us, cloud computing is so much simpler and easier. For example, at FastBar we have a script that will deploy a fresh version of our entire FastBar environment, including:

  • Web applications, APIs and background workers across multiple servers

  • Geo-redundant SQL databases

  • Geo-redundant storage services

  • Monitoring and logging resources

  • Redis caches

There's like 20 odd components all together, and this all happens within minutes. This is something that would take days to deploy to our own servers by hand, or we would have spent weeks or months automating the deployment process.

Not only that, but if we decide we need to scale up our front end web servers, all is takes is a couple of clicks, and within minutes, we’ll be running on more powerful hardware: 

Better still, we have automatic scaling setup, so if our webservers start getting overloaded, Azure makes more of them magically appear, and when things go back to normal, the extra servers simply go away.

It's a beautiful thing, and it makes me very happy. I'm pretty sure I still have a bit of PTSD when I think about how much effort it would take to set this stuff up manually before the cloud came along.

Another argument I used to hear against the cloud from Bob was that the cloud has lots of outages (here's some recent outages from 2018), but Bob claimed his "servers have never gone down". Maybe they haven't. But they will eventually, and usually at the worst possible time.

It's true that the cloud has outages. And these days when something fails at one of the big cloud providers, it's got the potential to take out a huge portion of the internet. But the cloud providers are getting better - their systems get stronger, and they learn from their mistakes.

Personally, I'd much rather be relying on something like Azure or AWS or Google Cloud, so that when an outage occurs (note I said when, not if - all system go down at some point), there are thousands upon thousands of people tweeting/writing/blogging about it, and hundreds or maybe thousands of engineers working on fixing the problem.

Forget about buying servers, and deploy your system to the cloud. There are so many benefits - from zero up front capital expenditure, to spinning up and down infrastructure and building out globally scalable and redundant systems within minutes.

Stay tuned for part 3 where we'll explore the different cloud stacks, Platform as a Service (PaaS) vs Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 3rd party technologies, where FastBar is at today and key lessons learnt.